Please read our General Show Regulations
General Regulations

- That the Society be named the Keswick Agricultural Society Ltd That its object be to encourage improvements in the Breed of Stock, the Management of Land, and in the general promotion of agriculture; and that the Show be open, except where otherwise stated.
- That the Society consist of a President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee of Management, with power to add to their number, three to form a quorum, and that the Secretary and Treasurer be considered ex-officio members of the Committee, who are to make all regulations for the government of the
- The dissolution of the Society shall be effected only by a two-thirds majority at a Special General meeting called for the purpose. The net assets remaining after the discharge of all debts and liabilities shall not be distributed among the members but shall be given to such charitable organisation or organisations or applied to such charitable purpose or purposes as the Special General Meeting shall by a simple majority determine.
- Members of the Society shall have free admission to the Annual Agricultural Show and shall pay an entry fee of £2.00 for each entry except where otherwise stated. All entrance money shall be paid at the time of entry and no entry shall be accepted unless such money be
- Exhibitors and competitors are required to give notice, in writing, to the Secretary, on the Society’s forms, on or before 15th August, describing the animals they intend to exhibit for different Gasses, and stating their exact age. In all instances when this regulation is not strictly complied with, such animals will not be allowed to compete.
- That every animal obtaining a prize shall have been bona fide the property of the exhibitor for three months prior to the Show.
- That all animals shown as yearlings shall be allowed as such if under two years of age on Show day. The same shall apply to all two year and three year old animals.
- No exhibitor or competitor shall enter any animal unless it comes strictly under the Rules of the Society; and in the event of any dispute the burden of proof will lie with the person concerned and until such proof is furnished, the Committee will not pay the prize.
- That any exhibitor or competitor detected in an attempt to impose on the Society shall forfeit the class and shall not be allowed to compete for any Class in the following year. No excuse will be entertained.
- That the Committee shall appoint one or more competent and dis-interested persons to determine upon the merits of different exhibits brought into competition, who are to decide according to the best of their judgement. That all disputes which may arise shall be settled by the Committee.
- That the Judges shall have power of withholding prizes in every case where there shall not appear sufficient merit, and of giving a prize in any case where there appears to be a great merit, although there be only one candidate.
- All animals for exhibition must be on the ground before 8.30 am. Driving Horses must be on the ground not later than 30 a.m. At approximately 2.30 p.m. there will be a Grand parade, in which all prize winners must join.
- Prize Money for Brood Mares to be kept in the hands of the Secretary until he has proof that the animals have complied with the rules under which they are exhibited. No stock to leave the ground before 2.30 p.m. without the written permission of the Secretary.
- If only one exhibitor or competitor enters for any of the prizes, in all such cases no prize will be awarded, unless the Judges of the day deem it advisable to award the prize.
- The Committee reserve the right to cancel a Class or Classes where there are insufficient entries for Judging. Participating entrants would be notified before the date of the show and entrance fees will be refunded accordingly.
- In order to discourage frivolous protests, every protest must be made in writing, and sent to the Secretary, within seven dear days after date of Show and be accompanied by a deposit of £30. This deposit to be refunded should the protest be sustained.
- All disputes to be settled by the Committee, whose decisions shall be final and without appeal.
- Exhibitors and competitors please collect all their numbers at the Secretary’s Office before 9.00 a.m. on the morning of the Show.
- As the object of the Society in giving prizes is to promote improvement in breeding stock, the Judges on making their awards, are instructed not to take into consideration the present value to the –butcher of animals exhibited–with the exception of classes 127 – 128, but to decide according to the relative merits for the purpose of breeding. In the Horse Classes, the Judges, in awarding the prizes, are instructed, in addition for symmetry, to take activity and strength into consideration.
- Admission to the Showfield – £8.00; Senior Citizens £5.00; Children 6 to 16 yrs. £2.00. 5 and under free. Family Ticket £18.00.
- In the event of the show being cancelled, entry fees £8.00 and under will be non-refundable
- We respectively point out that we advise exhibitors to insure their own stock against Public Liability.
- Photos will be taken on the day which may be used for publicity, if you do not wish to be photographed please inform the organiser.
- Notices regarding current Health & Safety regulations must be observed at all times.
A portion of the Ground will be set apart for Trade Stands and charged for according to the space of ground occupied. This also applies to the Art & Craft Tent.
These Rules and Regulations will be strictly adhered to. Judith E. Hildreth, Secretary
A good family day out for all hence our motto
"Something to Please Everyone"
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For all enquiries about the show please use the details below or use the contact form.
01697 323418